Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Favorite Things

Our focus/theme for August:  Family Home Evening.
The first week of this month our Relief Society President ( Jodee Church) shared  a wonderful talk
More diligent and concerned at home by
Elder David A. Bednar 
You can review it here:

We celebrated  Family Home Evening and Favorite Things at our August Activity.
"A Few of our Favorite Things".

Everyone brought two items to give to someone else,
 as well as a Family Home Evening Idea!
The FHE ideas were wonderful, as well as the "favorite things".

We all had a great time, everyone contributes so well!
There was a lot of laughter!
It's also great to see everyone using their "favorite things"
 and posting how they are enjoying them!
 (Facebook/Yuma Valley Relief Society )

Next month we are focusing on Seasons:  The Seasons Of Life.
We are looking forward to September 13th.
Super Saturday!
We will be crafting for the upcoming seasons!
Thank you to everyone!
We hope you are all enjoying your
Family Home Evening in a Jar!
We love and appreciate you all!

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