Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Super Saturday Reminder

Don't forget
Money is due for Super Saturday projects by August 21.
Please see display in the foyer on Sunday.
This will be our last Sunday (August 17, 2014) to display Super Saturday Projects.
You may pay for your projects on Sunday as well.
A order form was made for easy payment.
We will have more order forms for you on Sunday.
We need to order materials asap, so please pay promptly.
The sewing classes will not be omitted, due to class size.
We feel a smaller class size is beneficial for learning how to sew.
Thank you all!

We look forward to seeing you all at our August Activity.
A Few of our Favorite Things
(See details on previous post).
We are making something great for you all!
It's something beneficial for everyone!

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