Thursday, August 7, 2014

A few of our Favorite Things

A Few Of Our Favorite Things
Date:  August 21, 2014 
Time:  7:00 PM
Place:  18th street church
(Primary Room)

This activity will be centered around
Family Home Evening Ideas for all walks of life.
(college, young families, teenagers, grandparents etc.)
Bring a Family Home Evening Idea to share,
  that has proven to be successful for your family.
Please bring two items that are your "favorite things" such as; nail polish,
favorite food, jewelry, socks, lip gloss, candle, the list goes on.
You may gift wrap your favorite things, or present them however you choose.

This is going to be FUN! 
Your welcome to bring a favorite dessert!
We look forward to seeing you all!

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