Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Super Saturday

In the first week of September, we shared:
 Finding JOY in every season of life.

"Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our
love with friends and family."   (President Monson)

Super Saturday was a day of crafting for the seasons ahead!
We're thrilled to see all the creativity that took place!

We want to send a "shout out" of Thanks and Appreciation to
our teachers and everyone, that participated with Super Saturday!
Table decorations, preparation of food, setting up classes, decorating, the list goes on!
(Post your pictures if you have some! )

What you see here, is every craft that was accomplished for our 
Super Saturday!
We're working on our next activity coming up in November!
It's going to be fun!
Stay tuned!

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