Monday, September 29, 2014

Walk A Day In My Shoes

Walk a Day in my Shoes 

A "Sole Searching" Activity
Date:  November 13, 2014
Time:  6:30 pm
Place:  18th St. Building

"Shoes are worn for different reasons, 
and every pair has a story".

Just like shoes, women are in different Seasons of their life, 
and every woman has a story!
Did you finish a tough race with your running shoes? 
Did you have a memorable vacation in your flip flops? 
Do you have a special pair of shoes that you've saved?
Please bring a pair of shoes that tell a story about YOU.
Be as creative and inventive as you like!

In the spirit of giving:
You are welcome to bring a pair of gently or new shoes to donate to Amberly's Place.
We will have a Waffle Bar!
Come join the fun!


An Invitation

Come and Meet the Mormons of Yuma
Open House and Celebration of Families
United in Love through Jesus Christ

Emergency Preparedness, Scouting, Family History Exhibits, and displays featuring our worship of Jesus Christ.
Date:  October 11, 2014
Time:  10 am until 3 pm
Place: 4300 W 16th St.
(Yuma Stake Center)
Activites for all ages
A wonderful activity that allows you to share the gospel with
your nonmember friends.

General Women's Meeting

Hundreds of thousands of women, young women and girls 8 years old and older gathered around the world on Saturday, 27 September 2014, for the second general women’s meeting of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Women leaders of the Church’s worldwide auxiliary organizations hosted the meeting at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. The meeting was broadcast live in 55 languages to Latter-day Saint chapels, on television and radio and over the Internet.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Super Saturday

In the first week of September, we shared:
 Finding JOY in every season of life.

"Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our
love with friends and family."   (President Monson)

Super Saturday was a day of crafting for the seasons ahead!
We're thrilled to see all the creativity that took place!

We want to send a "shout out" of Thanks and Appreciation to
our teachers and everyone, that participated with Super Saturday!
Table decorations, preparation of food, setting up classes, decorating, the list goes on!
(Post your pictures if you have some! )

What you see here, is every craft that was accomplished for our 
Super Saturday!
We're working on our next activity coming up in November!
It's going to be fun!
Stay tuned!